How to promote intermodal transportation in a university town?
Promoting bicycles-on-board (BoB) transit is a popular travel-demand-strategy on many college-campuses in the U.S. as a means to meet...
Cyclist Wayfinding and Stress in Wuppertal, Germany
I am very excited to be starting new line of research at Bergische Universität Wuppertal during my 2016 sabbatical appointment. Here,...
Social Uplifting using Twitter and GIS
Due to the influx of large microscale datasets obtained from social media, there is a renewed interest in understating human health...
Urban design and mobility
A large part of my research investigates how urban design facilitates human wayfinding success while walking or bicycling. Using a...
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Human Sentiment and Travel Mode Choices
The surge of microscale geospatial media data is helping researchers understand several space-time phenomenon. To this end, my co-authors...
Food Insecurity Analysis: The Where and the Why
Food insecurity is a global problem that has no clear solution. My interest in this issue is to apply advanced spatial and GIS models...