Selected publications:
Yin, Zehui; G. Rybarczyk, A. Zheng, L. Su, B. Sun, X, Yan, (2024) “Shared micromobility as a first- and last-mile transit solution? Spatiotemporal insights from a novel dataset,” Journal of Transport Geography, 114,
Li, Xiao, G. Rybarczyk, W. Li., M. Usman, J. Bian, A. Chen, X.Ye., (2023) “How do people perceive driving risks in small towns? A case study in Central Texas,” Accident Analysis and Prevention, 193,
Rybarczyk, G., A. Ozbil, D. Yesiltepe, and A. Gorsev, (2023) “Walking alone or walking together: A spatial evaluation of children’s travel behavior to school,” Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science; 1-19,
Rybarczyk. G. and R.R. Shaker. (2021) “Predicting bicycle-on-board transit choice in a university environment” Sustainability, 13(2): 512;
Ozbil, A. E., D. Yesiltepe., G. Argin, and G. Rybarczyk. (2021) “Children’s active school travel: Examining the combined perceived and objective built-environment factors from space syntax” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1): 286,
Platt, L. and G. Rybarczyk. (2020) “Skateboarder and scooter rider perceptions of the urban environment: A qualitative analysis of user generated content,” Urban Geography, DOI: 10.1080/02723638.2020.1811554
Rybarczyk, G., D. Taylor, S. Brines, R. Wetzel, (2020) “A Geospatial Analysis of Ethnic Food Access in Two Michigan Cities: Investigating the Importance of Outlet Type within Active Travel Neighborhoods,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Rybarczyk, G., A. Ozbil, E. Andresen, and Z. Hayes. (2020) “Physiological responses to urban design during bicycling: A naturalistic investigation,” Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 68: 79-93
Shaker, R.R., G. Rybarczyk, C. Brown, V. Papp, and S. Alkins. (2019) “(Re)emphasizing urban infrastructure resilience via scoping review and content analysis,” Urban Science, 3(2): 44
Rybarczyk, G., S. Banerjee, and M. Starking-Szymanski, and R. Shaker. (2018) “Travel and us: The impact of mode share on sentiment using geosocial media data and GIS,” Journal of Location-Based Services, 12(1): 40-62
Rybarczyk, G. (2018) “Toward a spatial understanding of active transportation modes among a university population,” International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2017.1422301
Morckel, V., & Rybarczyk, G. (2018). "The effects of the water crisis on population dynamics in the City of Flint, Michigan." Cities & Health," 2(1): 69-81
Rybarczyk, G., A. Maguffee, D. Kruger. (2015) “The Impact of Public Health, Environmental Quality, and Neighborhood Character on Crime Rates,” Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, 17(1): 21-38
Morckel, V.C. and G. Rybarczyk. (2015) “Improving Downtown in a Shrinking City: A Case Study of Flint, Michigan,” Community Development, 46(4): 341-360
Rybarczyk, G., and L. Gallagher. (2014) “Measuring the Potential for Bicycling and Walking at a Metropolitan Commuter University,” Journal of Transport Geography, 39: 1-10
Rybarczyk, G. (2014) “Simulating Bicycle Wayfinding Mechanisms in an Urban Environment,” Journal of Urban, Planning and Transport Research, 2(1): 89-104
Rybarczyk, G. and C. Wu. (2014) “Examining the Impact of Urban Morphology on Bicycle Mode Choice” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 41(2): 272-288
Find me
University of Michigan-Flint
Department of Geography, Planning and Environment
University of Michigan, Michigan Institute of Data Sciences (MIDAS)
University of Michigan-Flint
Department of Earth and Resource Science
516 Murchie Science Bldg
Flint, Michigan 48502
t: 810-762-3355