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Selected publications:

  • Yin, Zehui; G. Rybarczyk, A. Zheng, L. Su, B. Sun, X, Yan, (2024) “Shared micromobility as a first- and last-mile transit solution? Spatiotemporal insights from a novel dataset,” Journal of Transport Geography, 114,

  • Li, Xiao, G. Rybarczyk, W. Li., M. Usman, J. Bian, A. Chen, X.Ye., (2023) “How do people perceive driving risks in small towns? A case study in Central Texas,” Accident Analysis and Prevention, 193,

  • Rybarczyk, G., A. Ozbil, D. Yesiltepe, and A. Gorsev, (2023) “Walking alone or walking together: A spatial evaluation of children’s travel behavior to school,” Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science; 1-19, 

  • Rybarczyk. G. and R.R. Shaker. (2021) “Predicting bicycle-on-board transit choice in a university environment” Sustainability, 13(2): 512;

  • Ozbil, A. E., D. Yesiltepe., G. Argin, and G. Rybarczyk. (2021) “Children’s active school travel: Examining the combined perceived and objective built-environment factors from space syntax” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1): 286,

  • Platt, L. and G. Rybarczyk. (2020) “Skateboarder and scooter rider perceptions of the urban environment: A qualitative analysis of user generated content,” Urban Geography, DOI: 10.1080/02723638.2020.1811554

  • Rybarczyk, G., D. Taylor, S. Brines, R. Wetzel, (2020) “A Geospatial Analysis of Ethnic Food Access in Two Michigan Cities: Investigating the Importance of Outlet Type within Active Travel Neighborhoods,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.


  • Rybarczyk, G., A. Ozbil, E. Andresen, and Z. Hayes. (2020) “Physiological responses to urban design during bicycling: A naturalistic investigation,” Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 68: 79-93

  • Shaker, R.R., G. Rybarczyk, C. Brown, V. Papp, and S. Alkins. (2019) “(Re)emphasizing urban infrastructure resilience via scoping review and content analysis,” Urban Science, 3(2): 44

  • Rybarczyk, G., S. Banerjee, and M. Starking-Szymanski, and R. Shaker. (2018) “Travel and us: The impact of mode share on sentiment using geosocial media data and GIS,” Journal of Location-Based Services, 12(1): 40-62

  • Rybarczyk, G. (2018) “Toward a spatial understanding of active transportation modes among a university population,” International Journal of Sustainable Transportation. DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2017.1422301

  • Morckel, V., & Rybarczyk, G. (2018). "The effects of the water crisis on population dynamics in the City of Flint, Michigan." Cities & Health," 2(1): 69-81

  • Rybarczyk, G., A. Maguffee, D. Kruger. (2015) “The Impact of Public Health, Environmental Quality, and Neighborhood Character on Crime Rates,” Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, 17(1): 21-38

  • Morckel, V.C. and G. Rybarczyk. (2015) “Improving Downtown in a Shrinking City: A Case Study of Flint, Michigan,” Community Development, 46(4): 341-360


  • Rybarczyk, G., and L. Gallagher. (2014) “Measuring the Potential for Bicycling and Walking at a Metropolitan Commuter University,” Journal of Transport Geography, 39: 1-10


  • Rybarczyk, G. (2014) “Simulating Bicycle Wayfinding Mechanisms in an Urban Environment,” Journal of Urban, Planning and Transport Research, 2(1): 89-104


  • Rybarczyk, G. and C. Wu. (2014) “Examining the Impact of Urban Morphology on Bicycle Mode Choice” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 41(2): 272-288



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University of Michigan-Flint

Department of Geography, Planning and Environment


University of Michigan, Michigan Institute of Data Sciences (MIDAS) 


University of Michigan-Flint

Department of Earth and Resource Science

516 Murchie Science Bldg

Flint, Michigan 48502

t: 810-762-3355

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